Overview of this actual XTREME sport

DON'T TRIP brother but here in GITA you may think it consists of kids on computers coding away but secretly, we are part of Xtreme sports but you haven't heard of it because it's so under the table that we aren't allowed to release this information until now. Now you want to join GITA now huh. Well don't get it twisted you can still join now and be apart of this XTREME sport. (no pe credits tho sorry)

How to Join

These are the requirements to join, it's not that hard so just join while you're at it (note, even if you can do all these things you may not get in as we have a very competitive community):

  • recommendation letter from President Salesky
  • be able to bench 300+ pounds atleast
  • have a 6.0 GPA at least
  • be able to type at atleast 200 wpm with one hand
  • be able to be at 2 places at once (3 to ensure spot)